This is my very first camera “Smena 6” that I got for my twelfth birthday. Compared to several other old Russian cameras, this is quite small and very simple. The body is plastic, there is no way to measure light and focusing is by meters. “Smena 6” was produced by factory “LOMO” since 1961 up to 1969. My dad bought this one around 1970 and it was also his first camera.
First films I shot with fixed aperture and shutter (dad set them probably f8 and 1/125) because I didn’t know anything about that – just wanted to take pictures. Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures from these films because they haven’t been developed. So, as sad as it is, I got only two rolls from my Smena period.
mohamed saad
I own one of these camera
I want to sell it and who know
How much is it?