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Disposable Camera and Its Parts

Today, instead of one picture, I post 171 photos combined into one animation. If you’re interested, then a short article about single use cameras with a couple of…

Taking a Nap

Sometimes I wish I could retake this kind of photos for several times to get the better result. But on the other hand, better this one than nothing.

Snowy Forest

Very light snow looks like frost.

Forest Against the Sun

I’m not sure if you can see it on the photo, but it was fantastic weather – slight snowfall and sun through the clouds.

The World Needs You!

I think there should be more inspirational graffiti like this 🙂

Interview With an Old Man

The interview was taken on the demonstration against lying in politics and was for the yellowest TV news in Estonia.

Cigarette Butt on Snow

Happy New Year 2013!