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I was a bit afraid if the Zenit 3M can work in low temperatures because grease tends to get stiff, but this photo proves that it works. Of…
Could you imagine that behind these trees is the biggest intersection in Tartu? Photo is taken with Zenit 3M.
Try to find ten differences between this picture and the photo in here. Photo is taken with Zenit 3M.
At first I thought that there was dust on the negative but then I realized that these are wires on the wall. Photo is taken with Zenit 3M.
If you happen to walk in Tartu and pass this building, then you know that this is the Literary Museum. Photo is taken with Zenit 3M.
I’m not sure whether it’s the bokeh, the straws or both but I love the background of this photo. Photo is taken with Zenit 3M. *bokeh is the…
These straws remind me hair. Are they hair of the marsh? Photo is taken with Zenit 3M.
Strange, that this photo looks like it was taken with flash. Maybe it’s because of vignetting of the lens? Photo is taken with Zenit 3M.