Tag: black whitePage 9 of 12

Lonely light in the night

It wasn’t so late but the town was empty. Photo is taken with Kiev 4m.

Parking Sign

Parking only for customers. Photo is taken with Kiev 4m.


… with towel and TV. Photo is taken with Kiev 4m.

Woman With Camera

A friend of mine inspecting a Fed 5 camera. Photo is taken with Kiev 4m.

Black & White in Color

That was a big surprise to discover this photo. I’m sure that I had a black and white film in the camera but on the picture you can…

Glass Negative

I bought an old Voigtländer today and with camera it came – my very first glass negative. It’s not the best example and probably that’s the reason it…

Concrete Columns

These columns are somewhere in the South-Estonia, just in the middle of nowhere. Sadly you can find this kind of Soviet time relicts almost everywhere in Estonia. Fortunately…

Old Film

One of my best birthday presents this year was Balda Juwella – a vintage folding camera. And it got even film on wooden spools in it! In case,…