Tag: B&WPage 4 of 12

Lion Statue

I’ve tried to photograph this lion in Luke manor for several times. This photo is the first one I almost like.

Dancing Shadows


First shot of the film, long exposure, no tripod and color negative film developed with black and white developer. Photo is taken with the Fed 2.

Empty Shop Windows

Photo is taken with the Kiev 4m.

Milk Truck at Night

Photo is taken with the Kiev 4m.

Speed Limit

Another shot developed with coffee. Photo is taken with the Smena 35.

Winter, Color Negative Film Developed with Coffee

Turns out that first time I used wrong soda for developing. So this is a new try. Still, maybe next time I should try a black and white…

Bicycle Behind the Tree

Strange that lower parts of the images are sharper than upper parts… Seems that I have one more camera to repair. Photo is taken with the Lubitel 166B.