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Just a random shot to test the camera. Photo is taken with the Accent MX-V.
Tip of the day: if you think the image of the junk camera is too good, then move the camera. Photo is taken with the Accent MX-V.
After I got the Accent MX-V camera, I searched for more information and all I got was that the camera is a junk camera. Now I’m looking at…
A cinema sign at night. Photo is taken with the Ricoh KR-10 Super.
Photo is taken with the Ricoh KR-10 Super.
Shopping center at Tartu. Photo is taken with the Ricoh KR-10 Super.
In the evening, after the thunder storm. Photo is taken with the Ricoh RK-10 Super.
Strange, how on the same film some shots are okay and some other are so grainy. This, as you can see, is the grainy one. But still I…