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Strange, how on the same film some shots are okay and some other are so grainy. This, as you can see, is the grainy one. But still I…
If it’s so dark outside, you have to take pictures in the places that are well illuminated 🙂 Photo is taken with the Ricoh KR-10 Super.
Fountain in front of University of Tartu Library. Photo is taken with the Ricoh RK-10 Super.
It was very warm and beautiful evening and I was walking around the town and testing my “new” camera. The film was expired and it was dark so…
Peeter Põld (1878–1930) was the University of Tartu’s first Professor of Education, the first Minister for Education of the Republic of Estonia and the “founding father” of the…
First shot of the film, long exposure, no tripod and color negative film developed with black and white developer. Photo is taken with the Fed 2.
Another shot developed with coffee. Photo is taken with the Smena 35.
Turns out that first time I used wrong soda for developing. So this is a new try. Still, maybe next time I should try a black and white…