Tag: lakePage 2 of 3

Lake With Redscale Film

This photo is shot on film and no digital effects are applied. The technique to achieve such result is called redscale. It’s actually quite simple – you just…

Lake Ähijärv

The lake is located in the Karula National Park in the southern Estonia. This one is actually quite big compared to the other small lakes around it. Photo…

Another Sunset

Lake After the Sunset

Same lake as on yesterday’s photo, just few minutes and couple of hundreds meters later.

Sunset Over the Lake

Couple of hours ago I was in the middle of the forest and trying to get out. Before that I photographed in the marsh and forest was quite…

Evening by the Lake

It may look like the sea but it’s still lake Peipsi. It was very warm and soft light this evening and I almost managed to catch it.

Pink Plastic

On the shore of lake Peipsi.

Tracks on Ice

I think these were skiing tracks over a small lake near Tartu.