Tag: riverPage 3 of 3


Nightclub and restaurant called Atlantis in the center of Tartu. Strange that old cameras take pictures that also look old… Photo is taken with Chaika II.

Cows in the River

Last week I went canoeing and bought a disposable camera in case I happen to fall into river. That didn’t happen but the pictures I got were with…

Under the Bridge

This is the longest and largest bridge in Tartu, at least at the moment, built about twenty years ago and named “Friendship bridge”. [photodata]

Autumn Panorama With River

This photo was taken last weekend near Estonian-Latvian border. Unfortunately there is no Latvia on this picture (it’s about one kilometer to the right). The problem wasn’t that…

Orange Crane on a Bridge Building Site

There’s a river called Emajõgi (which is something like “Mother River” in Estonian) flowing straight through Tartu but there are only three bridges for cars and two for…


This is the center of Tartu, second biggest town in Estonia with about 100 000 inhabitants. The town where I live, so there will probably be more pictures…