Tag: Rollei RHSPage 2 of 3

Snail Shell

On the road. I didn’t check was the snail at home or not… Photo is taken with the Zenit 312m.

Lake Ähijärv

The lake is located in the Karula National Park in the southern Estonia. This one is actually quite big compared to the other small lakes around it. Photo…

Best Shot of the Film

Yes, this is the best shot of the film. Sad, but true. I was prepared for light leaks and as you can see, there are light leaks but…

Bicycle Behind the Tree

Strange that lower parts of the images are sharper than upper parts… Seems that I have one more camera to repair. Photo is taken with the Lubitel 166B.

Television Mast

Photo from the worst film I’ve ever shot or developed. Developing went wrong and even the best pictures are only partially sharp. Photo is taken with the Lubitel…

Tree Hugger Cat

This cat was too cute to not to photograph it. Photo is taken with the LOMO 135 M.

Small Street in Tartu

Small street in an old moat in Tartu. The stairs is climbing up to the Toomemägi hill. Photo is taken with the LOMO 135 M.

House Behind the Branches

Photo is taken with the LOMO 135 M.